BIB Ontology


An informal description of the Ontology of the bibliographical references maintained within SymbolicData.

We use short references to publications and links to other sources (i.e., foreign URIs) with full bibliographical data. Additionally, we maintain our own short note about the relevance of the bibliographical reference for SymbolicData. See People.Ontology for references of authors.

The naming scheme for bibliographical references is where *name* is the ([ASCII fixed](Naming "wikilink")) surname of the main author and *yearcnt* is the year of publication (last two digits) concatenated with a alphanumerical counter a..z to make the URI unique.

This information is collected in two knowledge bases, Bibliography.ttl (basic data and URI definition) and Bib-References.ttl (linking information to external stores of bibliographic data.

Records of type sd:BIB have the following additional predicates

Links to external stores:


To be discussed: