Birkhoff Polytopes Ontology
An informal description of the Ontology of the Birkhoff Polytopes Knowledge Base developed so far.
All Birkhoff Polytope instances belong to the owl:Class sd:BirkhoffPolytope with predicates
- sd:hasPolymakeFile URI - the Resource file
- sd:hasEPSFile URI - the EPS file
that point to the remote resource.
The Birkhoff Polytope Fingerprint
A list of all predicates with number of occurences can be generated with a SPARQL-Query:
select distinct ?p count(?s)
where { ?s a sd:BirkhoffPolytope . ?s ?p ?o .}
order by ?p
We list all properties with some comments:
- sd:f-vector - a list of integers, e.g., “(16,40,44,26,8)”
- sd:hasCombinatorialType - some of sd:wed, sd:prod, sd:pyr, sd:join, sd:pyrb.
- The deeper semantics has to be explained.
- sd:hasDescription - a description of the polytope, e.g., “wedge(join(edge,square))”
- sd:hasDimension integer - the dimension of the polytope, values within 2..8
- sd:hasNodes integer - values within 3..16
- sd:hasVertices integer - values within 3..256
- sd:hiCube integer - values within 1..8
- sd:simpl integer - values within 1..7