CA Software Data
The ‘‘CA Software’’ Data collection contains data of type sd:CAS that represent CA systems that were at some time in the focus of SymbolicData followers. Most of the references now point with owl:sameAs to the corresponding entry in the collection of mathematical software.
Structure of the Data
CA Software entries are instances of the RDF type ‘'’sd:CAS’’’. The naming scheme is <> where ‘nameofthesystem’ is the (concatenated) name of the system in lower case letters matching [ \w+ ].
- owl: <>
- dct: <>
Records of type ‘'’sd:CAS’’’ have the following predicates
- owl:sameAs URI reference to the collection.
or (for 3 systems not listed in swmath - Reduce package ASYS, and the systems Points and QPoints)
- sd:lastUpdate xsd:date
- sd:hasURL URI - homepage of the CAS
- dct:license URI - the software license
- dct:creator foaf:Person - authors of the CAS (multiple)
- dct:description Literal - a short description of the software
- Naming scheme changed to lowercase standard. (HGG, 2016-07-22)
- Changed to dct: prefix (HGG, 2013-07-31)
- Changed to swmath references (HGG, 2013-07-14)
- Update to dcterms ontology (HGG, 2013-07-14)