Birkhoff Polytopes


These data refer to polytope classificational data collected within the polymake community mainly by Andreas Paffenholz und Benjamin Lorenz. Another database interface directly incorporated into the polymake software was develope by Silke Horn.

The polymake project is maintained by Michael Joswig and Ewgenij Gawrilow.

The data for the Birkhoff Polytopes Knowledge Base (Birkhoff Polytope fingerprints, Febr 2016: 5399 instances) is extracted from the files from Andreas Paffenholz’s site. Note that the collection is only a draft version since for structure and semantics of the knowledge base and calculation of metadata some more input from the community is required.


The source consists of seven tables which were compiled into Birkhoff Polytope RDF fingerprints by Andreas Nareike in March 2013.

The transformation code is available from our maintenance repo.

Structure of the Data